When you take a pregnancy test and see a positive result, there may be countless reasons running through your head to consider not having a child at this time. 

I’m too young. I’m too old. I’m not married. I have a medical condition. My partner left me. I’m unemployed and can’t support a child. My family and friends will reject me. I’m just not ready…and what about climate change? 

Look at the news headlines or open any social media app and you will see a growing number of social activists and media outlets encouraging responsible child-bearing because of climate change. It’s no wonder these ideas have started to take hold in your mind.

You’re told to be concerned about how a child would live in a world that is reported to have more natural disasters and life-threatening hot and cold temperatures now and in the near future. You’re also warned that each new child contributes to carbon emissions that impact the climate.

Natural disasters and changing temperatures aren’t new phenomena. However, what is changing are the reactions and beliefs about the negative impact of families and children on the environment. 

It is possible to live a sustainable life with a child while being a good steward of the earth. Where should you start? 


Whether you had a positive or negative result from a store-bought test at home, you should confirm the result with a lab-quality pregnancy test. Many factors, such as time of day, medical conditions, medications, pregnancy viability, and how soon after a missed period you took a test can affect your at-home test result. These factors could lead to a false positive or a false negative reading.

Many home pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate at detecting pregnancy. However, accuracy differs from test to test, and there is always room for human error. 


After having  your pregnancy verified with a lab-quality pregnancy test, you’ll need to know some valuable information about the viability of your pregnancy that can only be revealed through an ultrasound scan. An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce an image of the inside of your uterus.

Measurements from an ultrasound help to date your pregnancy and determine gestational age. It is also used to verify the presence of a baby’s heartbeat and measure the heart rate. One critical use of an ultrasound scan is to indicate if a pregnancy is developing outside of the uterus, which is known as an ectopic pregnancy. There may also be other factors present that could lead to a pregnancy ending in a miscarriage.


Once you know how far along you are and if your pregnancy is viable, your next step is to educate yourself about sustainable living. Consider gathering information about the following:

  • Cloth diapers
  • Gently used clothing and baby product retailers 
  • Sustainably packaged consumables and household products
  • Energy efficient household switches
  • Public transportation and carpool options
  • Reusable feeding tools

You don’t have to navigate this new lifestyle alone. We’re here to clear confusion and give you hope! Start by scheduling a pregnancy test and consultation appointment today and talk to one of Alpha Center’s trained staff members about sustainable living resources available to you in your area.

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