If you’re pregnant or have already given birth and are considering adoption—we can help.  We provide a safe, confidential space to learn more about adoption and parenting, and we can refer you to a reputable adoption agency in the area.

We understand that considering adoption can stir many questions and difficult emotions, but we’re here to walk alongside you. You’re not alone in this. 

Read on to learn more about how adoption works and what to consider when thinking through this option. You can also  contact our office to connect with one of our caring staff members. All appointments, resources, and referrals are confidential and at no cost to you.

How Does Adoption Work? 

An adoption plan consists of the individual steps involved in the adoption process. These steps include choosing an adoption agency to work with, deciding on the adoptive family, and discussing what kind of relationship—if any—you’ll have with the adoptive family. 

The first step in this plan is speaking with a qualified and reputable adoption agency. You are making a selfless and brave decision to place your baby’s needs above your own, and you should never be asked to pay any money to an adoption agency. Instead, prospective birth mothers are eligible for adoption financial assistance.

Types of Adoption

Part of an adoption plan is deciding what type of adoption you’re comfortable with. There are three main types of adoption: open, semi-open, and closed. 

Open Adoption

In an open adoption, you choose the adoptive family, and you also decide how much communication happens between you, them, and the child. For example, you could choose to speak with them regularly or only once in a while, and you can also choose the type of communication—over the phone, video chat, in person, etc.

Semi-Open Adoption

Semi-open adoption is very similar to open adoption. In this scenario, you choose the adoptive family, but communication between you and the family is more limited. The communication is also mediated by a third party, like the adoption agency. 

Closed Adoption

Closed adoption is the most limited. In this option, you won’t know anything about the adoptive family, and they won’t know any details about you either. In this option, you both remain anonymous.

How Do I Know If Adoption Is Right for Me? 

Only you can decide what pregnancy option is right for you. However, asking yourself the following questions can help:

  • What questions do I have about the adoption process?
  • What are my biggest concerns about adoption? 
  • What is making me lean toward adoption? 
  • What might my life look like if I choose adoption? If I don’t choose adoption? 
  • What if I change my mind after the baby is born?

We’re Here for YouCan You Help Me Place My Child for Adoption?

You’re not alone as you navigate your options. 
Whether you’re looking for help with the adoption process or want to learn more about resources that are available to support you as a parent, we’ve got you covered. 
Contact us today to schedule your no-cost, confidential appointment.

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