Choosing adoption is one of the most selfless and loving decisions a mother can make—but many women wonder what it’s like to give birth to their baby only to choose other parents to raise him or her. 

If you’re thinking about adoption but are worried about what it would be like, know that your thoughts and fears are understandable. Learning more about adoption and hearing from other women who have chosen this option, will help you feel encouraged as you decide if this is the right choice for you.

Read on to learn more, or contact Alpha Center today to find a safe, supportive space to think through adoption and your other pregnancy options. All appointments and services are confidential and at no cost to you. 

You Get to Make the Decisions

One of the most empowering aspects of adoption is that you are in control of most parts of the process. You can:

  • Select the family: Review profiles and choose the family that best fits your vision for your child’s life.
  • Determine the amount of contact: You can decide whether or not you want to have an ongoing relationship with the family and child; and if so, how much communication you desire. This might include in-person visits, phone calls, or sharing photos and letters.

This flexibility ensures that your decision is tailored to your needs, desires, and goals.

We’re Here for You

Every woman chooses adoption for different reasons. However, it’s important to note that adoption is not about giving your child up; it’s about giving your child an opportunity for a future that aligns with your hopes and dreams for them.

Every woman’s adoption experience is unique. Our center understands the complexity of adoption, and we’re here to listen to your concerns and answer your questions. 

You’re not alone as you navigate your pregnancy decision. We’re here for you. Contact us today to schedule your no-cost, confidential appointment.

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